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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thrilled to start digital photography workshops in pune.

Dear all,
We are thrilled to announce that we would shortly be commencing digital photography workshops in Pune.
The proposed Two day weekend workshop would include.
Day 1
Getting to know photography and digital equipment. (Sorry to say its a class room event)
We too hate classes probably as much as you do, but will try to make it as interactive as possible.

  • Basic introduction to Digital photography.
  • Relationship between shutter speed and aperture.
  • Basics of light metering and an interesting intro to the "Dynamic range" of cameras. A demonstration on how you can calculate the dynamic range of your camera.
  • The difference between "Your Eyes" & "Camera Eyes"
  • Camera Functions. Different camera modes and settings and what they mean and dont in practice.
  • Understanding the histogram and using it effectively. The key to unravel digital photography wonders.
  • Confidence building to get your camera out of the AUTO mode into the Manual mode. Typically would include hands on practice session on your camera to play with and learn all the tricky settings you were afraid to touch.
  • Using built in camera assists to get the shot as you want not as the camera wants.
  • A basic intro to lenses and their different effects and a touch to lens selection for a given task.
  • Is photo editing for Wimps?? Intro to post production editing. How to minimise and optimise.
  • Prep for Day 2 (Wohoo the field event).

All the classwork notes would be given handouts for you to keep for future reference. (Its worth it!!)

Day 2

The hands on event.

Day 2 brings all the seemingly irrelevant classwork to actual practice.
The day starts early with a drive to the shoot location close to pune.
Individual trouble shooting sessions would be at the end of the days play.
Initially our workshops are only for landscape photography; archetectural and fashion would soon be added.

Following are the key targets:
  • Preaching of a simple mantra: The uninitiated "take" a photograph, we have to learn how to "make" it.
  • An important demonstration on how there is no "Correct" photograph.
  • Rules of Composing the image when to apply when to not!
  • Framing.
  • Common problems and their solutions related to landscape photography.
  • Using natural light. Different colour temperatures and their effect on the final image under different conditions.
  • concept of Depth of field (DOF) at work!
  • Using the hyperfocal distance concept.
  • understanding the exposure control and application of Histogram in practice.
  • Understanding how different metering modes can give you contol over your landscape photograph.

Rush your enquiries to

The 1st Fstop workshop will be on the 14th and 15th Aug '10.
Small Class of 5 per Tutor. So get all your doubts cleared quick and see them at work!
We hate sad potraits, so book in early.

Email for Fees & other enquiries.

Interested people can book a one on one training for some advanced courses like Photoshop and High Dynamic Range Imaging.

1 comment:

  1. Well,
    I am from mumbai and usually can find time for my hobbies on weekends...

    I am interested in the workshop as it is of 2 days, please mail me on with other details of the workshop.
